GENESIS | Markus Lüpertz
LAMMSTRASSE – Direction Marktplatz

Snails are slower than fire.
Photography: Atelier Altenkirch, Karlsruhe

Snails are slower than fire.
Photography: Atelier Altenkirch, Karlsruhe
As is often the case, this ceramic picture by Markus Lüpertz is enigmatic and thus the viewer cannot grasp its intention at first glance. The only clearly recognizable figure is Dante himself, positioned in the center and, with his head slightly tilted and his mouth open, is giving the impression of speaking. The recourse to the “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) suggests that Dante, as depicted there, is talking to the eternally damned – here: the one already partially transformed into a snail. In the 8th circle of hell, in which we are probably with this picture, the walls and floor are lined with tar according to Dante. This fits to the black background and floor, on which the snail man is, stretching a skull towards Dante.
According to the “Divine Comedy”, the 8th and 9th circles of Hell are the worst places of the Inferno because impostors must stew there. Thus, the remaining characters behind Dante can be read as such; the infernal chaos is illuminated by the red of hellfire, which Lüpertz lays over geometric ripples that can be seen in his ceramic paintings on various occasions in connection with the “Divine Comedy”. Originally, Lüpertz had made the direct reference via the title in this picture as well, which was his “own interpretation of the Inferno”. The connection to the royal dignity can be established more generally as an association to the transgressions from which crowned heads are not exempt.
Text & translation: © Chris Gerbing, 2023
For a first orientation, you will find here an overview of the 365-day-”Genesis” gallery, which can be reached by underground almost 24 hours a day.